you need to be worried. if we wait for them to violate yet another law against the citizens of this country, it is too late. we shouldn't wait for them to become a criminal. no population is off the table. >> martha: strong words. david wohl is an attorney. paul bultmann regards as a democratic strategist. welcome to you both. david, let me start with you. we spoke with general kelly a wild back. he talked about the status of being in this country illegally plus, as if you have to be here illegally and then do something, even a bee speeding ticket, running a red light, a larger crime than that. that is what puts you in the category. what has changed? >> should come as i -- it should come as a surprise to no one that president trump is running on a strong platform of immigration laws. he did make it clear, the i.c.e. administrator, the thing one conduct raids on homes or