united states since world war ii, that will put back the family-patient centered system, you have to have somebody making the key decisions. right now the government makes those decisions for you. if you want to change over, there is a lot of room to work together and i think you can find 60, 70, 75 votes for a number of different things. some people only want there to be single-payer. some people on the republican side want to go back to an old system. very few republicans want to do that but there are some who want to. the question is, can we join together in moving to a new system which is based first and foremost on the family and the patient and the doctor. >> melissa: we are going to leave it there, thank you. >> jon: up next, a setback they came as something of a surprise for british prime minister theresa may. her conservative party fails to secure a majority in the general election. jeremy corbyn sees the result is a victory for his labour party.