the popular vote. if you want to change the constitution, user entities doing that rather than coming up with these phony russian stories that have so far been proven to be bovine droppings. >> sean: governor, next time you are on, i have a question about you going to the white house. i think you should help the president. my own personal thoughts but we will talk about it next time. >> thank you, sean. >> sean: when we come back, the house intelligence committee subpoenas three obama officials. susan rice, john brennan, samantha power. it's all related to the unmasking scandal. sara carter and john solomon will join us next. also later tonight... >> they make these decisions time and time again in a way that makes it appear that they are hostages. that he is vladimir putin's hostage. >> sean: mbc sinking to brand-new lows in their anti-trump coverage. herman cain weighs in.