exactly the same, prisoners of conformity, which is always the sworn enemy of art. step out of line and you pay the price, as dave chapelle, who is a genius, learned when he returned from a tyrant long ago and dared to gore a sacred cow or two. that used to be what comedians did and we were grateful to hear someone tell the truth. now, they are booed off the stage for daring to do that. humor is dead. politics killed it. ben kessel is a comedian. he joins us to mourn. ben, i know we are not on the same side politically, i doubt any comedian agrees with my politics. but i think you'll agree, kathy griffin is just not funny. i know a lot of people who work in comedy, i don't know one person who thinks kathy griffin is talented. she's not. yet, she is hung on all these years because she is a political activist. that's enough. it shouldn't be enough. >> i am not to the core demographic for kathy griffin or her fan base -- her fan base and enjoys her. there's something to be said about that. i think it might be it a misnomer because she is a comedian. he doesn't mean, however, that