both players throwing punches, the benches pouring onto the field. they were both ejected. could be suspended. brian, i heard you talking about this in the sound bite. some of the punches were missing. some things like the helmet throw what was that. brian: helmet throw goes out to the right. >> standing there doing nothing. brian: catch everywhere has to do something for the most part. ainsley: it looks like they didn't like each other. brian: this goes back hundreds of years. >> that helmet throw what is he doing? >> heft hand he threw the right hand. >> they both can walk away feeling good. i love how guys are. they throw some punches and the whole team run out. opportunity to fight. brian: a lot of stress in the clubhouse. the guys are so biting their nails with the owners. they paid a lot of money those hands not to be broken don't want to break it on somebody else's head unless you are ian