working age americans which are classified as quote "disabled" has doubled. a lot of them, the disability they face is a total lack of jobs near where they live. none of these people shows up in the fake unemployment numbers washington shamelessly peddles to the rest of us. it's not surprising that heroin use has exploded in rural america. drug ods has killed 50,000 people per year in this countryh in a lot of ways, things are bad in parts of america, that's why so many voters rolled the dice on donald trump in the last election. it's also why it is vital to the people in charge to address the underlying problems that put them there in the first place. they're not addressing those problems, in case you haven't noticed. latest evidence comes from a new poll released by politico. as of this morning, 60% of democrats say that trump should be impeached and removed from office. nearly half of democrats, this is amazing, believe that congress's top priority ought to be investigating the administration's ties to russia. not fixing health carey or unemployment, the opioid crisist