interests don't align. ainsley: even if it did happen it's not illegal for the president to do this. general mac master came out and said it didn't happen. he was in the room. how serious of an issue is this. >> first of all, h.r. mac master is a great choice by this president. is he a special, special guy. his answer i think is pretty technical. there is a whole bunch of stuff that i think we'll learn more about over the next couple of days. brian: let's talk about the vanishing adult. adulting are you the adults of this generation are not the same as this generation and prior though that. >> we have a bunch of kids 20's something stuck in the stage of perpetual add low less sense. that's a problem not only for them but this republic. this isn't beating anybody up. two third constructive. to the degree we want to talk about who should be doing something differently. we parents and granted parents want to help them learn we want to celebrate scar tissue. scar tissue is the foundation of future character. ainsley: celebrate the scar tissue.