in july and what comey had done in october and then the fact that he showed no sentiment in his testimony and no regret about having done what he did last year. but having said that, this was done in a way -- if you could figure out how to do something good and do it right and then figure out how to do it exactly the opposite, they chose exactly the opposite. they made him look petty. he fires comey while comey is on the west coast. they don't even know that comey is in los angeles when they send the beefily for ex-security chif over with a manila folder containing the document. they don't have a communications strategy. they don't have their act together with regard to what they're going to say. and then after they finally start saying on tuesday night late and on wednesday we did it because the deputy attorney general gave us good explanation why we should, on thursday the president undercuts his own spokesmen by saying, it didn't matter, i was going to fire him anyway, and virtual in the next seasons it was because i'm upset