something they'd never do to obama. end it. he doesn't need the press. >> and you know, sean, that's why i says to -- i said to the president, you know, given what's happening, you know, that everything is criticized, could it be you're just moving too quickly and no one could keep up with you? and, you know, i wouldn't be surprised if he did pull back a little, because if he cannot speak or his staff cannot speak with without someone going through it with a fine-toothed comb, maybe he ought to do it every two weeks himself and then you know, then no one could say what were you thinking? >> sean: why? he doesn't need to talk to them. he can tweet out and reach more people in five seconds and put it on instagram or facebook than he's ever going to reach with the media snobs who colluded with hillary and who are advancing the most bizarre conspiracy theories. why bother? why should he -- i say shut it all down. every bit. he doesn't need them.