get people on the same page? it gets picked apart by the left and the media. it makes the legislative agenda that much harder. >> you saw the vice president go up to capitol hill in the morning hours this morning. he made a beeline for the cameras so he could articulate his position in the white house position and the president's position on why this all happened. i know they have been talking with members of congress as well. i think the president was initially surprised at the amount of blowback a god, particularly if you go back over history and you looked at the sy chuck schumer about james comey. he thought people would not be if not happy at least accepting of the fact that he was fired. it was the timing of everything. right in the middle of this investigation into russia, it has the percept -- you can easily see people would get the perception that the president was trying to play fast and loose with the investigation here. even if that is not the case, i think the democrats have hopped