publicized hate crime has been exposed as a total sham. an organizer in indiana admitted that he spray-painted his own church with a swastika, a "heil trump," and an anti-gay slur. the organist is a man called george nathaniel stang, says he wrote wanted to give local people a reason to fight for good, even if it was a false flag.fl the ends justify the means. notably, this specific case was one of many alleged hate crimes that was used by the press to vilify and marginalize republican voters in the last few months. "the washington post" ran the story as the lead anecdote in a piece that chronicled "numerous incidents that have occurred in the wake of trump's election." in fact, the "post" mentioned this incident in a bunch ofs articles, but for some reason, they haven't posted a single piece about how the attack is a hoax, because they are liars. another hate crime in the same article, a michigan student told she had to take off her hijab or she'd be set on fire, immolated. it didn't happen.