euthrane fake jeans. my beef with nordstrom's isn't that they don't value icons of work. they clearly do. my beef is they don't value authenticity. once again, as a country, what do we -- what the hell are we doing? we're distressed jeans are one thing, but these look like you crawled through a sueewer, thiss what they look like, $425. i could sell you the same ones for $15 and still make a profit. >> tucker: if you were making the federal minimum wage of $7.25, you have to work for two and a half weeks before taxes to buy one pair of the working man jeans. >> in order to look leak a working man, right. listen, man, this is a world completely defined right now by fake everything, right. fake news, we don't trust anything that we hear, and part of the problem is because they're screwing with monopoly