safety net and everything will be okay. it won't be okay. hard work will make it okay. going through the legal immigration process. that will make it okay. and then everybody in this country will welcome with you open arms. but you have to follow the rules. people died to protect those rules. we're a country of law and order. it's not chaos here. go somewhere else for that. steve: it's hard but that's the way it is. all right. dan, thank you very much for joining us live today from, i believe, palm beach gardens, florida. our best to your family. he is the host of the renegade republican. thank you, sir. ainsley: thanks, dan. steve: thanks, dan. love that guy. incredible story. brian: has anybody seen abby huntsman. ainsley: i have. she is actually in your line of view. abby: i'm always in brian's line of view. lucky me. capitol hill shock as jason chaffetz says he will not seek re-election next year after nine years in congress he says he wants to spend more time with his family. >> i have been away from my