from that standpoint, it's not going to require a great deal of additional time of the house side. >> house speaker paul ryan is traveling overseas this week but senior republican aides say leadership is evaluating adjustments designed to win over conservatives while ensuring they don't lose moderates aboard. jeff denham of california pledged to keep components of obamacare. >> i have expressed to leadership that i am a "no" on the health care vote until it's responsive to my community. >> it is not just republicans hearing from constituents about health care. california democrat senator dianne feinstein took some heat from her base last night in san francisco. >> how are you going to support single-payer health care? >> if single-payer health care is going to mean complete takeover by the government of all health care, i'm not there.

Related Keywords

Republican ,Deal ,House ,Paul Ryan ,House Leadership ,Side ,Standpoint ,House Speaker ,Aides ,Fixing Obamacare ,Health Care Vote ,California ,Components ,Conservatives ,Moderates ,Adjustments ,No ,Jeff Denham ,Health Care ,Republicans ,Constituents ,Democrats ,Dianne Feinstein ,Community ,Heat ,San Francisco ,Government ,Single Payer Health Care ,Takeover ,

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