russia, stalin, fascism,ism, imperial japan, the killing fields, over 100 million souls died. more recently to shake people's memories. 9/11 happened. there is evil in the world and certainly kim jong il and seems to fit in that category. right after the break, coming up tonight tonight's monologue. we'll explain how it was bill clinton and barack obama and appeasement that we can blame for the situation we now find yourself in with north korea and elsewhere. and later tonight compared to >> i don't want to telegraph what i'm doing or what i'm thinking. i'm not like other administrations where they say were going to do this in four weeks and it doesn't work that way. >> sean: ainsley earhardt speaking with the president earlier today at the white hous white house. she asked the president if he is ruled out using a military strike against north korea. ainslie joins us later and tonight on speed 24. hey, need fast heartburn relief? try cool mint zantac.