schedule and many, many billions of dollars overbudget. i don't want like that. >> reporter: lockheed martin got the message and squeezed $5 billion out of the program. >> these doors open and those provide help to provide stability -- >> reporter: lieutenant colonel chad vaughn is command officer of the squadron at air base yuma. he calls the aircraft an engineering marvel. >> the combination of the sensors and the airplane and the way that the man/machine interface works is what truly sets it apart. >> reporter: the technology is woven into the customized helmets at an estimated cost of nearly $400,000 each. >> the view in the helmet, you look down on your helmet, you see through the bottom of the airplane. >> reporter: so it's automatic, wherever you point your head, you get the view -- >> exactly. it's going to automatically bring in that other camera from where you're looking. >> reporter: and pilots say the lightning ii deserves its