kinds of problems as early. i think he wanted to focus on job creation. but he's got a great national security team. i thought secretary tillerson was perfect when he said look, either the russians collaborate and knew this was happening whether russians were duped and they're just incompetent. but they have to choose one or the other, and i think that second tillerson is going to be very firm tomorrow and say to the russians there is a path forward where we look work together but that path cannot include assad and new, the russian state, have to decide which team you're on. very telling by the way, and the entire world, the only countries that publicly objected to the president hitting syria were syria itself, iran, north korea, and russia. nobody else. so vladimir putin has to feel a little bit isolated at the moment. >> martha: it's an interesting strategy whom, and as you just pointed out, it is quite different from what we heard from candidate donald trump on the campaign trail.