plan, things that have been scouted, we will learn more about the facts, but any expert will tell you this is a copycat of what is happening now across europe, and one more point here is that it seems that they, whomever they are, have discovered the weak points in sweden and europe and probably in the west in general. they can use knives and trucks. >> bill: it is relatively simple. reports of three dead. that has not been confirmed by some images we are getting online right now, i would just describe them to you. it appears there are black blankets, orange blankets in the street where some sort of monorail train would run through the shopping district, people could get on and off to enjoy a day of shopping, but not on this fate delete my day. if these blankets are covering that of human remains, the fatality report we are getting will get confirmed pure or not going there yet because we cannot confirm it on our own. however, sir, it is apparent that isis has tried a chicken medicate with its followers in