to help the neediest among us. ainsley: so not quite the same as "the washington post headline, right? here to talk about it is congressman arrington. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, ainsley. ainsley: you are welcome. you spoke at a hearing last week on march 28th. then you read the article in the "the washington post." you probably saw the headline. they didn't use your quote in this article that they were talking about what you you said in front of hearing. what was your reaction when you read what "the washington post" had taken what you had said out of context? >> it was ridiculous. it was such a blatant mischaracterization of what i said. anybody that would watch that video or read my remarks knows that that was a misrepresentation. i couldn't believe that a news organization as reputable as "the washington post would allow such reckless and irresponsible journalism. fortunately, there was another peer pressure put on them and they were called out so often after that that they changed

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