mix. ainsley: for her to say this should be a message. cher is the voice of reason. ed: even cher doesn't like chuck schumer sad. brian: mystery is that red dot. ed: everyone loves heather. heather: i don't know how to follow cher being the voice of reason though but i will try. the tweet of reason. we'll start with w. this fox news alert for you. >> brand new surveillance video possible cop killing suspect. you can seat man walking outside a courthouse in texas. that's where deputy constable clint greenwood was murdered in ambush style attack. inmate. he called that man a threat to him and his family just days before he was gunned down. also breaking, white house now condemning the chemical weapons attack in syria. at least 100 killed. including children. more than 400 injured. president trump blaming the syrian president, calling his actions heinous and slamming president obama for saying that he would establish, diewrnl this, that red line