the campaign trail, but since he has been president. ainsley: i know that you care about it from a personal standpoint, too. i know this hit home. i remember when you were on the campaign trail you talked about your college friend. why is this issue the opioid issue, why is that near and dear to your heart? >> because i know that addiction is a disease. and i -- i'm pro-life. and i believe in the sanctity of evidence life and i believe that every individual life is a gift from god. and so no life is disposable. and the person who addicted to heroin, opiates, other drugs, and their lives are falling apart, we have an obligation to save that life, too. to give them a second chance. so i think if you are pro-life, you need to be pro-life for the whole life. and that's what moa motivates me to be on the front lines of this issue. steve: good luck with that i know that's later today. let's talk about something that if you watch the other channels, governor, you know it's all about russia. what do you make of the russia thing that you see on all the

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