knew and what others knew and what did they know it when they knew what? he told us where he think it's going, where do you think it's going? >> i think the expansion goes way beyond comey, i think it goes straight to the highest levels of the obama administration. that's where these answers need to come from, we need to find out who unmasked these names. it wasn't just director comey. there were other people that had access to this. the nsa unmasked these names, who requested that? that's one of the most important questions here and why. i think what those questions start to get answered just like chairman nunez said, was the political espionage? if there was, this is the greatest civil liberties violation that we have seen in our country in a long time. it >> sean: this would make watergate look like kindergarten? >> oh, yeah. here's what i would tell you. you want to get to the answering this question? subpoena a couple of people