he was referring to people do next. >> there are a lot of things that people on the internet say, we've got all kinds of opinions out there, it doesn't mean that our president needs to, where did it come from, it didn't come from some major news outlet -- was >> andy: it came from bleacher report. >> the president did not need to repeat it. >> andy: i agree, i'm just saying that he did not make it up. >> bleacher report is a legitimate site. have you seen the products advertised on the homepage? [laughter] >> andy: let's get to the truth here because i don't get heard from any of you. remi, you said that if the new map is more accurate, what is a problem, and dan you said sarcastically how dare they want an accurate map? the old map is pretty bad despite what tom will say it. the reason it became popular, it was great for european maritime