believes in privacy, i assume, they shouldn't have leaked from the intelligence community's conversation when they were surveilling, not general flynn, but the russian ambassador, that is illegal. that is a violation of the espionage act, and that ended up going up in smoke. i would think on that issue, that is more important. >> awoke, i don't condone illegal leaks, and i don't conde the illegal leaks of wikileaks either. i've been very consistent on both sides that i don't like them releasing that kind of illegal information. >> sean: maybe hillary, david, if she would keep her email server where it is supposed to be and not put it in a mom-and-pop bathroom closet, that is not donald trump's fault. >> it's not. let's be very honest about this. there are some very skilled, honest, and smart reporters covering the white house right now, but there are also people who are just waking up every morning looking for the silver bullet that is going to kill the trump monster. one of the things the daily mail has always been very good at it,