got out of it. steve: we should also point out heat street your organization was the first -- shortly after the election where it was revealed that apparently the government went to a fisa court and asked for the permission to do wirps and whatnot, surveillance. >> sure. >> on donald trump. >> sure, absolutely. of trump. someone within trump's orbit there was a fisa warrant granted. we don't know if that means wiretapping. we don't know who it was. we know that there was a warrant okay through a fisa court to survey someone within trump's orbit. steve: all they have got to do now where that is and who ordered it. next stop, who knows? >> who knows, exactly. steve: joe, thank you so much for joining us. >> absolutely, thank you so much. steve: president trump working hard to make america safe again. why are critics so opposed to the president protecting the home land? remember when gary johnson famously said this? >> what would you do if you were elected about aleppo?