type of terrorist attack. we set up an independent commission, a blue ribbon commission and gave them broad powers to find out what happened to protect america. russia has attacked us. they attacked us in november in trying to compromise our free election system and there is evidence they're continuing to try to infiltrate our country. it is important that we have that type of a serious independent investigation done as to how we can protect ourselves from this type of vulnerability to our national security. it has to be nonpartisan and comprehensive. >> shannon: senator, there are a lot of people who will say equating 9/11 to what you are now looking at. those are two very different things. there are a number of scandals and rumors over the years on capitol hill. many of them during the last eight years under president obama's watch. you may have heard congressman gowdy said when you guys have been on vacation for a lot of years. from benghazi, email servers and you didn't want independent