one of her quotes was go out and celebrate yourself as wane another matter what. with those you adore, forget your problems. >> very positive messages. ainsley: she was teasing what she was going to wear and putting these messages about forget your problems. this is all about lo. and then she wore that white -- she had like a white sheet around her on the red carpet and she took the sheet off. steve: big reveal. ainsley: make america great again. i'm sure everyone on the red carpet was like whoa, she had to know what she was doing. steve: she wasn't just on the trump train, she was wearing the trump train. ainsley: true, you are right. brian: even donald trump might have said hey, tone it down. ainsley: i didn't know this singer. did you all know her? i went on my itunes app. and i listened to some of her songs. and she is good. steve: and she bought it only a dollar. brian: i don't know what about heather nauert listened to this morning. what were you listening to?