that care about issues deeply in the state specially those up for reelection next year, take for instance the issue on medical device tax that we saw. there are areas where there are pressure points and also areas -- remember, donald trump is a wheeler dealer, he will be calling these guys into this office, what do i need to give you, by the way, you won't work with me, i have to make sure everybody knows it. >> one more break, when we come back hits and misses of the week say carl, we have a question about your brokerage fees. fees? what did you have in mind? i don't know. $6.95 per trade? uhhh- and i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee? guarantee? where we can get our fees and commissions back if we're not happy. so can you offer me what schwab is offering? what's with all the questions? ask your broker if they're offering $6.95 online equity trades and a satisfaction guarantee. if you don't like their answer, ask again at schwab.