joined us in the studio. the hysteria level is rising. it's not my imagination. it's not like this. what's changed? >> it's been longer than that, but it's really gravitated towardar the last five years is that identity politics and victim culture have taken over higher education. the two points isuc identity politics stress that all a person should care about is their own narrow group interest and the identity they have to ascribe to themselves. if i'm an african-american man, that's all my politics and i only care about furthering the interest of my specific group, african-americans. andic that's on their own campus because they encourage or through affirmative action and other procedures that encourages people to gravitate toward specific identities for more benefits. and then second and more important in some ways is the victimizing culture, where everybody competes to be the biggest victim. a lot of people are like, why are these young people trying to pretend they are victims? the reasone why they do that is because we assign moral status in the college moral culture