qualified republican candidates and hillary clinton. the single issue that he campaigned on was immigration. >> martha: i hope senators, as they see themselves a mate tape, will ask themselves what they feel so differently on that issue that you have now brought up. senator tom cotton, very good to see you tonight, sir. many thanks. >> thanks, martha. >> martha: breaking tonight, if you are just running a scum of the court hearing has just wrapped up over the president'sr restricting travel from seven countries. since the arguments ended about a half-hour ago come up reaction has been pouring in from all over. let's go quickly back to michael wiles. an immigration attorney, who now opposes the president immigration order. an attorney and former deputy counsel to the rnc and counsel in the office of legal policy of the justice department. welcome back. good have both of you with us tonight. christ, let me start with you. everybody was listening very