listen to nancy pelosi, listen to the farm team for the democratic party, they might as well be taking out their pantsuits for trump's 2020 inauguration, it's that bad. >> sean: it really is that bad. how did you develop, i don't know why when i was young and a teenager i had the radio on my parents wouldn't say turn on the tv they would say shut that radio off. i can't take it spread as 2:00n in the morning i'd be listening to great pioneers of talk radio. where did you develop conservative libertarian ideology philosophy? that's unusual, 24 years old to be fearless, pulsating getting as much popularity as you are. >> i grew up in that area of the country that's between the two coasts, the forgotten americans. i grew up there and i had parents who are hard-working average everyday americans that also lends itself top conservatism. i grew up watching this mainstream media and seeing a lot of b.s. perpetuated and i