>> bill: "weekdays with bernie" segment. the purveyor of bernard boldt jonah goldberg.com. he joins us for miami. before the interview the president, you said on this program, that these super bowl charts don't usually amount too much. was this one different? >> i think what i said, at least last week, in fact, i know what i said last week, was that there is one day of the year that we don't need to hear from politicians. that is super bowl sunday. the day before, the day after, fine. but for me, and for many others, we don't want to hear from politicians on that day. okay, that is my opinion. on the bigger point, regarding your interview, specifically, the putin killer exchange, which you don't think it's all that important. here is what is important. thing is conservative reaction to that statement. imagine if last sunday, super bowl sunday, you were