for suburban moms. come and get it, hipsters. greg: clay, you think this is an ad for ecstasy? >> i'll tell you what, it's why donald trump is building the wall, let's be honest. [laughter] and also jon lovitz has the best damn agent service all time. how does he get that ad? >> i kind of liked it. >> liked it? >> i just like the casting of it. >> listen, last year the creepiest commercial ever was the gang am style distavern cho. it's off the hook. congratulations jon -- >> i had a night in mexico during college that was just like that. [laughter] greg: and it was with jon lovitz. >> he's the king of creeps. you're the creepy guy in the movie, you bring him in. you need a creepy guy to scare your kid at a party -- greg: did you notice a year ago no one was putting avocado on toast? >> it's very high calorie bread.

Related Keywords

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