purpose, as you just heard, the press secretary said if we announced this a lot earlier, it would have given plenty of time for the bad guys to flow into this country and do us harm. >> he said bad guys, donald trump tweeted bad dudes, i believe this morning. also interesting the language in donald trump's use, he used the word "ban" when he maintains that wasn't a muslim ban. i agree, i wasn't surprised by what sean spicer said, he was defensive and tried to shift the blame to the obama administration. saying that you want to look into seven countries is not the same as restricting travel or banning immigration from those countries. we also, the syrian refugees, this is not something first of all is popular with people in the united states of america. but but there's no senior official saying there is cause to halt this program f you go back to what happened in 2011, the favorite of people on the right right now to say, well, bar rock obama banned iraqis, there was an imminent threat,