the executive order also provides the dedicated men and women of the department of homeland security with the tools they need, the tools and resources they need to stop illegal immigration from the united -- entering the united states. under the constitution, the american people get the final say who can and cannot enter our nation, and they have spoken out and clearly to our laws. we are going to create more detention space for illegal immigrants along the southern border to make it easier and cheaper to detain them and return them to their country of origin. we are going to end the last and his recent dangerous catch and release policy which has led to the deaths of many americans. we are going to once again prioritize the prosecution and deportation of illegal immigrants also otherwise violated our laws. after they have spent time in prison for the crimes they committed, they will get one-way tickets back to the country of the origin and their countries are going to take them back. the second executive order enhancing public safety in the interior of the united states addresses the enforcement of our