taxes. he's got that on his website. they're fairly significant. paul ryan says they have to be revenue neutral. he wants to replace obama care with something elsewhere people still get coverage. he wants to spend on infrastructure, spend on a wall. i can tell you this. i've done reporting on this. i don't think you can do all of those and stay -- and keep the budget deficit with not imploding. >> neil: isn't it a given that the deficit will get worse? just by osmosis alone it will get worse. >> you're right about that. if you lower taxes in and of itself, theoretically before this apply side revenues kick in later on, it's going to get worse. paul ryan has said -- he's on the record with this. we called his office. we asked him to rationalize this. he pointed us to his speech where he said this stuff will have to be revenue neutral. it will be interesting how you achieve revenue neutrality not adding to the deficit and do all