need to put that in. america return to god. i want everybody to know that. ainsley: i love that. >> america return to good morning you and all our friends. ainsley: why did you title it that? >> it's time to pray. and that will let you know exactly what i believe we need to be doing right now rather than all of the controversy. we can pray and join the incoming president, our in the president, mr. donald trump who is inviting leaders across america and all of the people to join in making our nation better. so if we can pray and do what uncle m.l. dr. martin luther king jr. said learn to live together as brothers and i add as sisters or parents, we can do this. we can do it together i know we can. ainsley: what do you think of congressman lewis. he is from atlanta where you live and where your uncle, you know, was preaching and grew up, lived as well. i have been to his house there. it's such a special place. what do you make of what congressman lewis is doing saying i'm not going to go to the inauguration, saying that this president is not a