"the times" is onto something there. i think the media presence, footprint, is so massive, he will evolve into, as greg points out, he says stuff, we cover it. >> dana, you are the media experts, and i am struck by -- >> hey, i thought we were all pretty good. >> she has a journal we don't have. >> back to ms. perino. the idea is, if you hear something, not from donald trump, if you are a trump supporter, don't believe it's page got to go to donald trump. >> even kellyanne conway, when she was being pressed on something he had said, she said, why do look at what he said rather than knowing what is in his heart? that is hard to do as well, we don't know him as she does. here is the thing. facts always win. from both sides. have more facts, and i think that everything comes out in the