the russians play a game, we have seen it in the past, they may deny being responsible for something. they do it in an effort to force our hand to release information to satisfy the american people or others, our allies in general. when that happens, he burned the source and you burned the message, and that is really to russia's advantage. it is a real balancing act. a gun, the thing to watch is intent and motivation. that is the kind of intelligence that requires a human force or picking up a phone call and that is very hard to get. you also have to be very reluctant to burn data source for the future. >> this is why the russians are such good chess players. >> yes. [laughter] >> catherine herridge, great to see her. teachers around the country have abused students in appalling ways. they go on to new classrooms and new cities and no one is the wiser. how big is the problem? a big problem, turns out. an investigative reporter spent a year of looking into it and drives us necks with. stay tuned. -- joins us next.