market principles that you can introduce here. for example, shouldn't there be competition across state lines, congressman? >> absolutely. listen, i think we look at that. i'm an automobile dealer. my life has been based on a better product at a lower price. that will drive the buyers to you. the same thing is true in insurance. you have a policy that is a better policy at a better price that is all inclusive or inclusive enough for those buying it, they're going to scream for that. this was designed for one reason. they wanted a single provider, a single supplier. that was the government taking over healthcare. that's not a surprise. now how do we roll it back? >> how long will it take? >> it's going to take a lot longer than a couple weeks. it's going to take a lot longer than 150 days. i think we're looking at something a year or two years out, maybe longer because it's that complicated. we want to do something that is responsible. you know a lot of people talk about the way you land an airplane. you don't bring it straight down. it has to have a glide path. we need a glide path.