top of the republican/trump list? >> i think health care, tax reform and then -- >> and by health care, you mean not just repealing obamacare but also replacing it. >> right. what you have to understand is that the fastest diminishing commodity in washington is a president's political capital. it's going to be going down every day that he's in office. i think if they don't show some big movement pby this summer, te inertia of washington is going to take over and they're not going to deliver on this remarkable reform opportunity that they have got. >> mary, i would argue what you're going to see is early victories with the confirmation of a supreme court nominee and a lot of regulatory repeal and those will be early victories they can rack up. >> yeah, i think you're right. that's something that he can offer too to republicans in congress, especially that supreme court nomination absolutely immediately. but also, paul, also there's a big deal to be done on tax reform. not just with republicans but getting democrats on board too.