for, you know, right before christmas to buy stuff because they know that sometimes is when stuff can be the most expensive. everyone, though, does want a bargain, of course, and we can tell you that two of the bigger trends that we read about and talked to people about today were, one, people instead of wanting gifts, are looking for experiences now. like a spa day or like a trip somewhere. and also gift cards account for about 25% of the gifts that are bought. because then you can go out and get whatever you want. you don't have to return things when you get someone a gift card. we'll send it back to you. >> you're making me feel a little bad, rob. i'm thinking i got my mother and nephews walter and jonathan clothes. i did include gift receipts. so hopefully, you know, everything's -- >> reporter: you might need them, yeah. >> all right. rob, thanks so much for that. >> i'll take anything, clothes, gift cards, you name it. not picky. all right. this young woman soared into olympic history and captured america's imagination. we all remember this summer. now there's another milestone