hair, but when you actually remove someone's hair as a punishment, it's torture. it's like an honor crime. >> i have kind of a pointy skull. i look terrible with a shaved head. >> i like you with a shaived head. >> it's not going to happen. the type of person that, you know, she got this story reported because of the type of person she is. believe me, i try to create hoaxes against myself all the time and nobody ever buys pi s . >> white man harassed on subway. people cheer. i don't even know what kind of slurs they would use on you. hey, go back to your insurance company, where you work! nice plaid tie! i don't know. take off your plaid tie! bernie, after something like this happens, they normally go, okay, she has issues. she needs to work things out with her family. so there's never really any