a difference of opinion between different agencies. they're frustrated with the lack of a briefing. what we have to realize is this will go through regular order and through the proper channels to get to the bottom of what has or has not happened. it also will, hopefully, lead us to appropriate legislation for data security, increased cybersecurity and putting in place the safeguards the americans need. bill: that'd be a big change. >> yes, it would. bill: we did a big poll that came out last night. one of the many findings, you ready? yes, you believe trump truly will do the following. number one on that list, 68%, repeal obamacare. >> yes. bill: as you know, repealing and replacing can be two different things. there's a story suggesting today that democrats would support replacing it after it is repealed. now, just to refresh be everybody's mind -- refresh everybody's mind, six years ago