will be fly speck for what you just said about the philippines is a perfect example. it would make all the difference in the world if the president-elect himself had a somewhat different affect and attitude about this. his attitude in the interview with you was very defiant. he invoked some vague doctrine that -- >> no, in fairness, the conflict of interest laws, correct me if i'm wrong, do not apply to the president and vice president. >> that's true. but he could say, and he didn't, doesn't matter, i'm going beyond that. doesn't matter because the absolute need to avoid any appearance of impropriety, i'm going the extra mile. he seem to be taking the position that i'm going to do the minimum. >> so we have less than a minute left. as somebody in the front row of the trump press room, how big a deal is this going to be? >> it's going to be a significant part of our conversation of the presidency. i don't think it will be every