free world does. on tuesday we can expect the president to deliver an upbeat state of the union address. he always does. even though terrorism and the economic situation are not being addressed in effective ways. it's hard to believe that mr. obama thinks crazy people criminals and terrorists are going to stop murdering because the fbi's conducting more background checks. while those checks are noded, there's nothing wrong with trying to keep bad people away from guns. nothing wrong with that. the executive action's not a panacea, cure for sick violence. there is no cure. so let's acknowledge that and get to work really protecting americans from criminals and terrorists. not giving the bad guys false hope. on the economy, come on mr. president, programs aren't working. everybody knows it. try something else. and that's a memo. now for the top story tonight, reaction with us here in new york city eric bolling. what say you, geraldo? >> i think that thank goodness you're in favor of background checks for gun purchasers. >> 80% of americans according to the polls, 80%, have no problem