someone is giving the finger there. it is blurred out. when you see chris hemsworth, i feel like i'm looking in the mirror. he is in the background and he is circled there. and he doesn't put a shirt on often. he is dressed like an indian, american indian. certain people in the native american community are offended by this because quote according to one person he looks exactly like my ancestors. well isn't that the reason you dress up? if you good to a party and you want to dress up like you, what good is it dressing up? you dress up to -- >> he wasn't mocking them. he was dressing like them. >> he wasn't walking around something derogatory like something to look negative like a scalp or mocking them. he dressed like an american indian. like the person's ancestors were there. this guy is from australia. which as far as i know doesn't get involved in the early american process. so please, cut him a break. >> you're not allowed to wear any offensive halloween costumes. this is a new year's eve party