all this stuff will coalesce very quickly as calendar moves along. on the 20th of february in south carolina republicanshold their primary. a week after that democrats hold primary on 27th. we'll see whether or not it matters and a game between sanders and clinton on that point. bottom line, we're on 6th of january, where will we be at end of february for both candidates? seven 1/2 weeks of good stuff. nine 1/2 minutes past the hour. martha: stay tuned. meantime north korea's claim of conducting a hydrogen bomb test has sparked strong condemnation from the international community. the policy chief of the european union saying such a test ordered by north korea's leader would represent a threat to the peace and security of the entire region. nato's secretary-general calling this a clear breach of u.n. security council resolutions which they have done three times before this and nobody really batted an eyelash.