enough. what were the other two you just said? >> i will tell you what, when somebody posts a picture like kim kardashian of her big old you know what and the idiot on tv says oh kim kardashian broke the internet. that's w(9uáu want to throw a pie. >> there are cliches that we have have to get a handle on. >> the use of epic and awesome. awesome. >> andé'ñ like. every dopey teenager like this, like that. >> awesome is the view on the top of the empire state building not eating can of prindles. >> do you know how you get rid of the word like. you pass a law make it 30 syllables. the reason they say it small word. >> it's like you know. >> that's cattle prod. >> like a cattle prod. >> you kick the can down the road, bill. >> utah, okay. there is a billboard that says something about whites&ú