complete turn around. i'm okay with wiretapping with wireless, excuse me, warrantless spying on social media because of fact obviously people are concerned about their safety. at which point, if, if you have libertarians saying on this couch that is unacceptable. complete violations of our freedoms, same freedoms you want to stand up for. other people say the opposite. majority of americans i'm shocked are okay with suspending some of those laws. >> bad times for rand paul. i think exact showcase why he is not making it to the main stage. >> interesting, 60% as you said, statistics are very interesting because 60% of americans are consistently have fear of terror and they want social media to be monitored. i think we're at the fork. we need to decide civil rights, to some extent you will sacrifice that -- melissa: i think a pendulum switches back and forth. right now we're back at a time -- i remember 9/11 you